Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1 - New Year, new start?

So in case you didn't know - today is New Year's Day. This is the day where so many decide that this will be the first day of so many things. The first day to quit smoking, the first day to start a diet, the first day to become financially responsible. The funny thing is that today is just another day - YES just another day. Every day brings another opportunity for new beginnings yet people wait and use the "New Year" as an excuse to procrastinate. Facebook shows proposals at midnight, new relationships blooming at bars with a New Year's kiss, and even ritual trashing of snack foods for those on diets. I want to SCREAM if I see another post about what people "will do" differently this upcoming year. COME ON - why don't you start with doing something differently today. Then maybe you will be ready to move on to tomorrow and next week. Who knows, if all goes well some may even be able to carry the new habit into a full month. The point to my rant is simply that humans behave so cyclically and I must say its quite frustrating. We see that we fail taking on huge goals so we push them off and give ourselves time to "prepare" - meaning food binges, alcoholic comas, or spending frenzies beforehand. Lol...I say to all of this. Make small goals and start tomorrow, shoot start today (not because its New Year's Day) even. Climb a hill - not a mountain and see the footsteps taken accumulate with each passing day.

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